44 definitions by MW2 Freak

A gameplay mechanic in Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies. It allows you to upgrade your weapon. Usually costs 5000 credits. To purchase upgraded ammo costs 4500 credits, or you could wait to get a max ammo. Upgrading weapons is costly but worth it. Upgrades damage by at least 125% and gives a new camo to the weapon and a random attachment.
I put my M1911 in the Pack a Punch machine, and I got Mustang and Sally, the semi-auto, akimbo grenade launcher pistols
by MW2 Freak January 7, 2011
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Just another SEAL team... but they got popular because they shot and killed Osmam Bin Ladden. The thing is they were only in the compound for half an hour and they only killed five enemy soldiers. And now all of a sudden they are "the best" team because of one mission.
OBAMA: Navy SEAL Team 6, you're gonna go kill Osama Bin Ladden.
TEAM6: Cool, now everyone is gonna think we're the best...
TEAM2: Hey Obama, can you give it to us so we become popular instead of Team Six?
OBAMA: Nope, I like the number six better than the number two.
TEAM2: Typical Democrat answer...
by MW2 Freak November 19, 2011
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A technique used while using HTML Programming code. It is where you use headphones to drown out distracting noises. This results in faster programing for games or websites.
GUY1: Mike, get your ass over here!

GUY3: Shut up ass wipe, he's wired in...


GUY2: Go slam yourself fag

GUY1: Hey bitch, go lawyer up ass hole! Imma sue your fatass
by MW2 Freak February 5, 2011
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A Chinese drive thru is where a Chinese person takes your order through an electric device.... and you can't understand anything the Asian is saying.
Asian - Hellowwww, me I taque yourrrrr ordaaa?

Guy - What?

Asian - Me hiy teque yoor odaaaa?

Guy - Can you put another person on the line?

Asian - oqueeeeeee, howld ommmm ay sequond

Guy - Don't you hate it when you need to go through a Chinese Drive-Thru
by MW2 Freak January 5, 2011
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An Asian midget that open fires on anyone with blonde or red hair. Usually an accurate shot, but his thin eyes limit his vision....
American - Oh shit John, we have an Asian Gunslinger to our left...

Asian Gunslinger - You dead american....
by MW2 Freak January 10, 2011
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The name of a map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The map is large with snowy weather. This map takes place in a abandoned submarine production facility. A mix between CQB combat and sniper battles create intense action.
I got a collateral yesterday sniping in Sub Base....
by MW2 Freak January 8, 2011
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A phrase commonly used in the hood. Usually used over the phone, but you don't need to. It means to suck someone's nuts.
Come here and Suck Deez Nutz mofo!
by MW2 Freak January 5, 2011
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