2 definitions by Luke Dixon

First of all you all are the idiots. Anarchists are not people who blow up bombs or pretend to be hardcore just for attention or to make people pissed. They are not all obnoxious 12 year olds who hate their parents. They're not people who draw A's on their hands and on signs for attention. What they are, is people who believe that people should have the freedom to actually run their own lives without someone making their decisions for them. The only reason most of them vote is beacause, if people are going to be so dumb as not to give their ideas any thought, then they might as well have what little say in their lives as they are allowed. What most people see as anarchists is just the stereotype people have developed due to some idiots who decided that anarchy should be a fad. There is no sure way to tell if anarchy will work or not because people are so closed-minded, that they wont even give it any thought.Of course we need something to stop crime but the government, as it has proven many times, sure isn't it.
anarchist's think you should actuyally living your life instead of having some figurehead run it for you.
by Luke Dixon October 12, 2006
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First of all you all are the idiots. Anarchists are not people who blow up bombs or pretend to be hardcore just for attention or to make people pissed. They are not all obnoxious 12 year olds who hate their parents. They're not people who draw A's on their hands and on signs for attention. What they are, is people who believe that people should have the freedom to actually run their own lives without someone making their decisions for them. The only reason most of them vote is beacause, if people are going to be so dumb as not to give their ideas any thought, then they might as well have what little say in their lives as they are allowed. What most people see as anarchists is just the stereotype people have developed due to some idiots who decided that anarchy should be a fad. There is no sure way to tell if anarchy will work or not because people are so closed-minded, that they wont even give it any thought.Of course we need something to stop crime but the government, as it has proven many times, sure isn't it.
anarchist's think you should actually run your life instead of having some figurehead run it for you.
by Luke Dixon October 13, 2006
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