4 definitions by LordMPfree

It's a Saft that is for when you have Husten
Person 1: ._.
Person 2: Hustensaft
by LordMPfree May 2, 2023
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Next stop: Ohlsdorf, change here for Hamburg Airport. Exit to the left.
Person 1: We gotta get out of the train on Ohlsdorf.
Person 2: Aight
by LordMPfree April 25, 2023
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ALEFJÄLL is a chair sold by Ikea, that costs 389€.

It can also spin
Person 1: Should we buy the ALEFJÄLL?
Person 2: No, I think it's too cheap. *laughs in way too rich
by LordMPfree May 2, 2023
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Next stop, Stephansplatz.
Please exist here for regional and long distance trains, as well as congress center and exhibition hall entrance east.
Exit to the left.
Person 1: Yoo, the next stop is stephansplatz, do you know what's there?
Person 2: No
Person 1: Me neither
by LordMPfree April 28, 2023
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