7 definitions by LiterallyYeMom

When you can’t control it anymore
Eyes pop out of skull Jaw drops to floor Grabs boxing glove and punches self 15 times “ARF ARF AOOOGA!” Heart pounds out of chest “NOW THATS A DAME!”
by LiterallyYeMom January 25, 2020
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If a game’s servers shut down, only then is it a dead game. However, if a game is still up and available to play, it is not dead.
Chase: Bro Fortnite is such a dead game.
Joseph: No it isn’t you fucking retard.
by LiterallyYeMom October 29, 2020
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When the suspostegator is being dubiously suspicionous a day is acting like the impersonegater from themongus
Imsustrenator: I am the insussymenjatorn
Crewmate (from amorgos)(not suspersonation): ok
by LiterallyYeMom May 20, 2021
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When the suspostergator is being dubiously peculiar and is acting like impersajorentar
Impersonation: I am the insussymenjatorn
Crewmate (not suspersonation): ok
by LiterallyYeMom May 19, 2021
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when you are the imposter in among us and you are being sussy so the crewmates call an emergency meeting and say that you are sussy and you say that you arent sussy even though you are very sussy like the imposter from among us
crewmate: yo the imposter is being sussy
imposter: no im not being sussy please
crewmate: yes you are so sussy you literally have imposter syndrome like the imposter from among us
imposter: no
by LiterallyYeMom May 10, 2021
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The quotable leaker from the hit show Let's Talk Fortnite with Nolan, which you can watch on the Literally Your Mom youtube channel. He unfortunately died from brain cancar on September 22, 2020 but was resurrected on October 31, 2020. Also he is really fucking sexy.
Nolan: So we got this news from our quotable leaker Jeffrey McWilliams.
by LiterallyYeMom November 6, 2020
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John: bro Skyler is hrnghing in the middle of class
Jeffrey: horny fucker
by LiterallyYeMom October 15, 2020
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