2 definitions by Lil faggoty fag

the sexiest man ever to exist
has crunchy crusty stale scrumptious musty stagnant rank toes
a bit of a nonce but we don't care xxx

drinks lemon dettol

the best song he wrote is Shape of you and no one can convince us otherwise
fucking cringe normie- mate i think you need to visit a psychologist about this
ed sheeran daddy worshipper (lives the way jesus prophesied and approved) - shut the ever loving fuck up you lazy son of a cunt you are the deluded one you should be taking meds not me you little retard im going to fuck your mother in her sleep and put it on pornhub like ed daddy did
by Lil faggoty fag June 27, 2022
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Ur mum is the absolute best, original, wittiest, and well thought out insult known to man.
Guy 1- Stop hitting my ribcage with a metal bar

Guy 2- I'm doing ur mum
by Lil faggoty fag June 10, 2022
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