10 definitions by Legit not a troll

Known for being handed to tourists to the OZ by a muscular man from Brussels that may/may not look like a middle aged woman if you ask him if he speaks your language. After giving you said sandwich, he often tells you. "I come from a land down under, Where beer does flow and men chunder, Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover!"
"Oi, Bill, when you go to the OZ, watch out for muscular brussels men, they will try to give you a vegemite sandwich!"
by Legit not a troll May 9, 2018
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An exclamation added to the end of a sentence... e.g. when you hate flood pants but then you realize how effective they really are.
"My feet are soaked, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's coming up Milhouse!"
by Legit not a troll February 19, 2018
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A Twitter retard who contributes nothing to an argument by posting Kim Chung Soo or some other random K-Pop singer, whilst also begging for you to "Stan" them.
Shut up, K-Tard
by Legit not a troll June 14, 2020
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