1 definition by Lady O' Fortune FaeryBubblez

Pleasant. Positive. Affirmatory.Muy beuno.

♦ Adjective for a noun having a higher level of awesome.

Typically said in a jubiliant tone. Used in an ecstatic or supportive sense.

♦Derived in Origin from "bubbly" in Scott Westerfeld's Uglies.
Also from the pleasant sensation of fizzy beverages.
Synonym for the following: superb, sweet, dandy, gravy, groovy, beneficial, fantastic, fabulous, awesome, idyllic, pleasurable.
Individua A: Dude, you know that new phone I wanted?

Individual B: Yeah?

Individual A: My dad totally got it for me for my birthday!

Individual B: Omg, that's so fizzy!

(followed by mutual girly squealing, and jubilant noises similar to that of the cry of a guinea pig.*)
by Lady O' Fortune FaeryBubblez February 3, 2011
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