1 definition by LT86

tur•bo (noun) - an obnoxious, self-obsessed male whose main hobbies and interests revolve around “getting a pump on” at the gym, unironically fist pumping to house music, and in some cases steroid abuse.
You can generally spot a turbo due to their excessively large upper body compared to ill-defined legs (especially calves), racing stripes cut into the sides of their haircuts, and shorter than necessary shorts. In Summer most turbos will sport outrageous fake tans and can be found at beachside bars attempting to score with gym bunnies or taking shirtless selfies on the beach itself. Will generally exist on a protein rich diet (more than necessary) and go weak at the knees at the mention of cardio. May or may not sport tribal or Chinese lettering tattoos, procured generally in places like Bali and Thailand.

The only sport they feign any interest in is MMA as they will often consider themselves the next big thing on the UFC circuit. Pretends to be aggressive but actually has balls smaller than your baby brother. Mostly from overuse of steroids.
Normal gym goer - “Fuck there’s so many turbos here”

Turbo gymrats - “Check my gains brah! Oi you mirin brah?
by LT86 August 29, 2023
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