2 definitions by L.R - CEO of SFL.INC

The SFL.INC stands for Saved From ligma incorporated

SFL.INC is a government held Initiative to cure ligma using ebola (the horse virus) to counteract ligma, if ligma is in phase 5 entire body part containing ligma will be taken out but can never be replaced and will never grow back
Person A - hey where were you last night
Person B - At the SFL.INC hospital
Person A - Why were you at the hospital?
Person B - I went to the SFL.INC to be cured of ligma
Person A - LIGMA? whats Ligma?!?!
Person B - Ligma ma balls GOT YA!
by L.R - CEO of SFL.INC October 24, 2018
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An uncommon horse virus that is like mucus and is found up the back side of the horse Ebola can also be used as a counteracting cure for ligma Symptoms -Lose all hair and the entire tail -will vomit on any animals and trees -will learn how to walk backwards
Person 1: Hey do you want to go horse riding
Person 2: Na man my horse has a really bad case of Ebola got to take him to the vet
Person 1: Bro you know you can take him to SFL.INC they can take all the Ebola out of his ass and use it to cure someone with Ligma so you're saving your horse and a person
Person 2: That's amazing I am going to take him right now
by L.R - CEO of SFL.INC October 25, 2018
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