4 definitions by Knowledge Incarnate

1.Used to emphasize a previously mentioned statement, regardless of who said it. Sometimes over used by some people.

2."In general", "nothing specific". You use it as an actual grammatical period but in speech.

3. Menstrual Cycle

4. You say this when someone is trying to make you talk more than you think you should by remaining silent.

Periodt is pronounced like: Piri it
1- person 1: -Nate is such a player. I don't wanna have to deal with that kinda shit no more. Fuck Nate, periodt.
person 2: -ain't got nothing left to say. Periodt.
Person 1: -Periodt.

2-person 1: -what is your favorite movie?
person 2: -like, my favorite kind of movie?
person 1: -nah, like, your favorite movie, period.
Person 2: -oh. The Incredibles.

3- person 1: shit dude! I just got my period!
person 2: need a tampon?

4- person 1: so, how was your date last night?
person 2 (doesn't want to talk about it): oh, y'know, it was fun...
person 1: ... ...
person 2: ...Period.

Periodt / Period
by Knowledge Incarnate January 16, 2020
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Alleged origin: Borough of Brooklyn, NYC.
'Did he deadass wear that shirt for the party?'
'He seriously did.'

'I can't believe you're breaking up with me! Are you serious???'
'I'm deadass.'
by Knowledge Incarnate December 2, 2019
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When two gay men take turns during anal sex.
"Hey babe, I was thinking if we could flip flop today..."
"You should have warned me beforehand! I had two burritos!"
by Knowledge Incarnate April 12, 2020
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You say this when an old person starts smack talking a younger public just for being young.
In an attempt to stop listening to their idiocies, you pass it off by just agreeing with whatever stupid statement the person spits out, and end the conversation right there.
Children are always on their phones. No wonder so many of them have AIDS!
Ok Boomer.
by Knowledge Incarnate December 2, 2019
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