28 definitions by KlausBorski

diminutive of Tuberculosis. Use when need to dramatize someone's cough, compare it with tuberculosis.
- I've got the sickness...
-GO PHUCKIN HOME QUCKLY! don't spread your toobick on us!!
by KlausBorski October 22, 2020
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Russian word is the mix of the "Govno" (what equals to english "shit") and "mes" (from "mesits" and means "mix"), and common straight sense - the person who knid/mix the shit.

In russian straight-men language "person who knid the shit" is the non-traditional sexual orientation man of active position , because he "knid the shit in the asshole of his partner by his dick", and even passive homosexual man because "he like to knid his shit, which is kept in his asshole by the his f*cker's dick".
The figurative sense is abusive word to guy, because in Russia all that connected with homosexuality is the little abusive, not seriosly, with laughing and also abusive word in friendly chating
- Hey, Govnomes, let's go for a drink tonight?
- i don't know could I...
- oh, every time u coundt...damned govnomes
by KlausBorski October 20, 2020
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The larva of fly. In Russia and postUSSR world fly's larvas used for fishing as alternative of worms. And "oparishes" can be bought in any special fishing or men's shops.

Also as for joke kids oparishes can be hiddene somewhere, and in time the flies will appear in this place
The colloquial figurative meaning is the name of "person who not clean"
-Let's go fishing!
-Ok, but before buy some bottles of oparishes
-Dats rite!

-What's the dirty placy of yours!!! YOU ARE OPARISH!
by KlausBorski October 20, 2020
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Or just 3%ed - the nickname of Alexander Lukashenko, when in the network in different quizes , amateur online exit polls (coz Government banned fully making exit polls,fearing real result of Alex's popularity in society of Belarus) people found regularity in the number of collected percentages of supporting voters - 3 %.

Alex Lukashenko on contarary says that in real the supproting him citizens of Belarus near 80%, which was revealed on 2020 Belarusian Election in 9th of August.
- Why the roads are banned?

-See, a cortege of cars is going
-Who are going?
-OMG, once more time. Why he cant just sit in the President Palace?!
by KlausBorski October 21, 2020
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The cottage cheese of the foreskin. It formed between foreskin and dickhead as result of unsanitary conditions, grubbiness. The rest of sperm, urine,wet of this genitals space make a conditions of creating the substances is simmilar to "young cottage cheese", but smell of it is very very terrible!
- OMG! i have to wash up, coz i've found at dickplace some podzalupni tvorojock ('dick cottage cheese') that soon became a Parmesan!
by KlausBorski October 21, 2020
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Diminutive name of ADIDAS
- bought best t-shirt yesterday
-what 's the brand?
-the best one!
by KlausBorski October 21, 2020
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in runglish 'nakolka' is the selmade tattoo by old-fashioned technique tattoo-master, who tattoo with ink and needle under the skin.

in PUSSR most of nakola's contents are church, sun, wolves, eagles and so on
- my cousin Jeffrey not tattoo-master, he is the master of nakolka
-what is nakolka?
- oooh,men...it's mama-ama-criminal tattoo which draw on your skin with hurt by needle
by KlausBorski October 22, 2020
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