17 definitions by KarmaLog

Someone who spends a great deal of time observing cammers, finding it extremely difficult to pick a select view to observe and develop intimate, personal relationships with.
"Dude, I love this site, I'm such a cam whore, I can't decide which one to watch!"
by KarmaLog June 29, 2018
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Common phrase meant to indicate that something is an acceptable solution, sometimes as a means of describing someone's surprise at the success of an action after witnessing it's completion.
"I don't know what to do! It's broken!"
*Replaces batteries*
"Oh, that works..."
by KarmaLog August 3, 2018
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1. Some emotionally-gnarled or overly egotistic male who seeks nothing but reproductive acts for no effort or through intimidation or coercion of a female or her friends. Aggressive or manipulative in order to maintain a consistent supply of genital stimulation. Obesity, personal troubles, money, threats, and other irrelevant personal details are used to entice, impress, guilt, or peer pressure the individual into complying.

2. A pity fuck, or the boyfriend of a vulnerable, emotionally-distraught female who can't find someone that treats her like she desires to be.
"That girl never knew what she had until she figured out her new boyfriend is a Scuzzy Fuckloser."

"I can't believe she's with a guy like that."
"Yeah, he's had it rough, his mom just died."
"Scuzzy Fuckloser, something about him just really bugs me..."
"Yeah, he's been telling every girl in the neighborhood that."
"That'd be why!"
by KarmaLog July 6, 2018
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