11 definitions by KIMBERLY SHIPLEY

A word to describe a part that you have no idea what it's called or what you're talking about.
When asked why the palletizer was broke, Tommy, not wanting to sound artistically illiterate, struggled for an answer then blurted out that the Kabobulater was bad.
by KIMBERLY SHIPLEY April 24, 2008
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Someone who thinks their member is quite large.
Bubba liked to rub his Brockstick up against her backside.
by KIMBERLY SHIPLEY April 25, 2008
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Someone who likes to rub up against you accidentally on purpose, especially at work. Someone who likes to rub their private parts up against you then leave.
Dave would welcome the new women temps, then do his famous Bump n run.
by KIMBERLY SHIPLEY April 25, 2008
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Someone who has morning breff all day. Someone when talking to them leaves you wondering what dead animal they just had for lunch.
A Dentist smells stankbreff all day long while cleaning teeth.
by KIMBERLY SHIPLEY April 24, 2008
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