24 definitions by John Wordsleuth

Is when one uses a facial expression that shows anger or displeasure towards another person, then often followed speaking critical language of a particular act or acts.
Tom really showed, Negative Attention to Jim about his recent actions.
by John Wordsleuth June 26, 2021
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You know Amos Rawls; he is a PhD. No freaking way! Yes, he--Passed high school with Difficulty--PhD.
by John Wordsleuth October 17, 2020
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Under President Eisenhower, The Republican Party was the Generation Of Peace, political party--the GOP!
by John Wordsleuth January 8, 2021
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a mythological person who one can summon to wipe one's butt after a bowel movement
That was such a bowel movement, I had to summon 25 booty cleaners to wipe my butt!
by John Wordsleuth March 3, 2021
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BBD--Bigger Better Deal
Boss, I am quitting my job here, because I know there is no BBD here for me!
by John Wordsleuth November 10, 2021
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a person who searches out excellent causes to donate money to or volunteer for, such a person truly donates from the heart not only from the wallet, for the unlift of others.
Julie is a go-giver, considering all she passionately volunteers for and donates to.
by John Wordsleuth August 30, 2019
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is a state of consciousness characterized by joy, often experienced by self-aware individuals.
James had a peak experience, when he journeyed to Rome, Italy
by John Wordsleuth February 28, 2021
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