2 definitions by Joe Blowski

an Emo bitch is anyone that refers to people that don't like/understand/care about emo music or the "scene" as f/14 or any other obscure EMO BITCH jargon that is "universally" know and understood, but is in actuallity obscure and unknown except by said EMO BITCH. see also: DOUCHE BAGS
cool dude: emo is music fags like to listen to in the dark while they cry and cut themselves.

Emo Bitch aka DOUCH BUNG HOLE: way to label people and things you don't know about, you F/14. I'm gonna go cry cause no one undersands me. Anyone have a knife?

SEE:irony you fucking idiot. labels are bad so you label people that label you right back? Here is a label: you are a fucking douche.
by Joe Blowski September 3, 2006
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1) ANY PUNK EMO BITCH who takes the definitions on urban dictionary. com seriously. 2) Anyone that cuts themselves and cries into their scarf in july. 3) Anyone who thinks anyone else gives a shit about what emo really is or where the fuck it comes from. no one cares... seriously.
average dude: emo people are pussies who can't get laid and cry about it while wearing a scarf in a heat wave and listening to DASHBOARD on their iPod while driving their FAGIO scooters around.

EMO PUNK BITCH: actually... thats not what emo is at all. dashboard is actually a scremo old school post modern fagcore, not real emo, which actually came about in the early 90's when some punk rocker's girlfriend cut his balls off and left him for a metal head, so he decided to cry about it and write a song.... no one fucking cares you emo twat.
by Joe Blowski September 3, 2006
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