2 definitions by Jesse Conti

Drinking Game played with four dreidels. At players turn, player spins four dreidels and does each action associated with the symbol.

Nun - Nothing happens

Hai - (Beer) Drink Half of your beer. (Mixed Drink) Drink once and spin again. (Liquor) Half shot

Gimel - Give a drink to someone else.

Shin - (Beer) Chug it. (Mixed Drink) Take three. (Liquor) Take a shot.

"Dude, that game of Power Dreidel last night was crazy! We got wasted so fast!"
by Jesse Conti December 10, 2006
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A Music student at The State University of New York at Fredonia (SUNY Fredonia) who spends much of their time in Mason hall either practicing, attending class, rehearsing, or chilling in the lounge.
"Hey, why do we never see Jesse anymore?"
"Oh, cause he's a Masonite."
by Jesse Conti September 13, 2005
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