402 definitions by Jeff

Everyone knows the phrase 'the cat's pyjama's' Well, it seems that by cunning deduction, that it was supposed to be 'the cat's leotards', apparently while trading the word for some horse-blankets and checking accounts with Korea, there was a mix-up.
"Dang, those are just the cat's leotards."
"don't you mean, cat's pyjama's" "I hope you die"
"but daddy! I wanna be the cat's leotards!" "you can't, Erbert, you have too much leprosy."
by Jeff October 27, 2004
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It's when you are so bored that you scan your tits, convert it to a jpeg and then post it on newsgroups---preferably usenet.
Slutty Girl-1: Oh man, I am so freaking bored.
Slutty Girl-2: Ya I know. Either we should blow a random stranger or 'scan our tits.'
by Jeff September 12, 2003
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adj.funny yet dangerous.
That mule ride in the Grand Canyon was fangerous!
by Jeff November 4, 2003
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A sport where snowmobilers drag race snowmobiles on a stretch of grass or dirt.
I won at the grass drags.
by Jeff February 2, 2005
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