5 definitions by Jacuzzi

Your partner lays on their stomach and puts a funnel in their ass. You proceed to pour hot water in the funnel. Than dip your balls in the funnel, like you submerging in a hot tub. Your partner than sharts and farts to create the jacuzzi mud bath effect. You can do this with a sibling if you are from the south.
My sister was great at the spa, she gave me the special mud bath that was on the menu.
by Jacuzzi March 17, 2022
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Where you put a funnel in a girls butt and fill it with hot water. The man than puts his balls in the funnel filled with water and the girl proceeds to fart for pleasure on the balls.
by Jacuzzi January 20, 2022
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Proceed to masturbate with your choice of super glue. When you cum you squeeze your balls like you are squirting out hot glue.

You need to cum before your hand dries to your penis
by Jacuzzi January 21, 2022
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While your brother or sister is Laying on their stomach, Put a funnel in their ass. Fill the funnel with hot water and proceed to dip your balls in funnel and have the other person shart, than have them fart for the jacuzzi effect.
I could use a Mississippi mud bath right now on this cold wet night
by Jacuzzi January 21, 2022
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When a bomb, specifically contstructed by ducks (dont' ask), explodes. The ensuing silence before the explosion is "the Compton effect."

In slang often shortened to merely "compton." Refers to the awkward silence after a bad "yo mama" joke.
Seth: And dude, it was like 95 degrees outside!

Jenna: That's what she said!

*the compton effect*

Seth: WOW... im impressed, ur comptons are getting longer...
by Jacuzzi April 4, 2007
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