68 definitions by Jack mehoff

A word used by dumb history teachers to mean stuff. They use this word because they are stupid but like to use big words.
Mike Moeller assigns a hodgepodge of reading that nobody ever does.
by Jack mehoff March 26, 2004
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Six months later after banging his sister, he caught a Diseru.
by Jack mehoff July 16, 2004
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1 take a shit
2 to shit/poop
3 cocaine addict
4 to crackalak
1 whats crackalakin homie G home skillet fo shizzle my nizzle in the hizzizzle bizzle
2 hey juan is taking a crackalaka
by Jack mehoff November 11, 2004
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A person who has an uncontrolable urge to have sexual intercourse with an elephant's trunk.
Yang licks his own balls, and oh yea, he's a snout fucker.
by Jack mehoff February 23, 2004
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A Bloody game in which 2 or more people try to stop a spinning quarter with one finger without it tipping and falling flat on the ground. The key to the game is to try to stop the coin while it's still spinning. Someone must spin the coin and the oppanate must try to stop if, if successful he can launch the coin at the person who spun it at his knuckles. When you play this game for a long time your knuckles will bleed unless your playing some weakling
Jack: Hey you ready for another game of quarters?

Mehoff: Yea right you'd own my ass!
by Jack mehoff March 7, 2004
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