1 definition by Jack and Ross (Tim Frost)

Noun. (It’s a person, place and/or thang/state of mind)
Like the famous (panopticon) prison design from some great Dutch guy, The Panoptichron is a feeling that one gets after indulging in the substance known as "lady Jane". A Participant smokes said substance and enters a "zone", if you will, which is referred to as the Panoptichron.
Gabe: yo how are the cupcakes feeling?
Oprah: I am mangled.
Tim: I have entered the Panoptichron.

Alex: Fuck you guys, instead of maturbating my life away, I am going to pull a solo mission to run that Panoptichron shit.

Tim: lets enter the Panoptichron later.
by Jack and Ross (Tim Frost) January 24, 2009
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