1 definition by J. Fred Smug

grenell (v). To be so internally conflicted that you work tirelessly in support of others who oppose your own best interests.

This verb is named in recognition of Richard Grenell, 2006 recipient of the Roy Cohn Award. Grenell is openly gay while simultaneously being anti-gay (search for articles on "Raw Story" and "Blogactive" for more details; Grenell also has an entry on Wikipedia). Grenell is lately gaining notoriety on Twitter for his relentless bashing of current Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice. In keeping with this pathological misogyny, Grenell also appears to oppose women's use of contraceptives and is essentially serving as a voluntary, de facto spokesman for Vatican interests (but is notably silent on the issue of pedophile priests).
My name is Richard. My boyfriend and I grenell for our local Republican Party every weekend. We really appreciate their opposition to gay marriage. I like to tweet and make calls to voters telling them of the dangers of gay marriage, and my boyfriend makes posters. We consider ourselves to be married.

My name is Richard. My boyfriend and I grenell every Republican in this upcoming election, because they'll make sure gay people will never have the right to marry. We consider ourselves to be married.

I'll never be able to conceive a child, but I'm going to grenell like hell so women are prevented from access to contraceptives through their health insurance.
by J. Fred Smug February 11, 2012
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