2 definitions by J City

The act of standing with legs shoulder width apart, knees bent slightly, arms relaxed at sides and proceeding to shake rapidly but ever so slightly. Usually performed in locker rooms, while wearing only boxers.

If looking to perform the act, one should do so to the theme from cell phone 'tetris'.

Made famous by Ben Tumin, of ten minute striker fame.
(Tumin shakes his whole body hilariously, wearing close to nothing)
Jake: (Laughing) "What was that?"
Tumin: "Tuminator Earthquake."
by J City October 27, 2007
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Signature of the Tuminator. For a while literally, as he used it to sign text messages, but now it's back to being his catchphrase.
Tuminator: "Dr. Church pulled me out of class today and told me I had to stop saying 'sinep'... SInep."
by J City October 27, 2007
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