2 definitions by J Cags

The act of Nigheisting. To steal something to a lesser degree, claiming it by proclaiming "Nigheist!" Also, to take someone's place in an order, advancing oneself to a previous spot in a roster or line by proclaiming "Nigheist" as the person who claimed the spot left or wasn't paying attention.
Seeing his friend crawl off to the bathroom, the sly devil creeped over to the Guitar Hero Guitar, yelling "NIGHEIST!" as he started to play Sunshine of your Love.
by J Cags May 15, 2008
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A "trifling Negro". One who encroaches on matters to make them seem more important than they actually are, acting ridiculously.
That fool was being such a niggra, trying to tell me that the KFC Snacker was "the best damn deal ever".
by J Cags May 15, 2008
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