1 definition by Ivan Jakenof

Blanket term referring to Alt-right, Republican, or otherwise pro-Trump extremists characterized by MAGA hats, pathological stubbornness, disregard of factual evidence, spirited bigotry, staggering self-righteousness, and absolute inability to accomplishing anything in life. Commonly seen driving pick-up trucks plastered with Trump bumper stickers, flying Trump flags, carrying one or more assault rifles, berating minorities and Democrats, and otherwise being loud or annoying. Made popular in the wake of the Jan. 6th Insurrection.
My neighbor is a complete Red-Hat Rebel, he owned like 10 guns, six Confederate flags, and tried to kill Nancy Pelosi before the FBI arrested him while he jerked off to a picture of President Trump.
by Ivan Jakenof January 17, 2021
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