3 definitions by Inebriated Penguin

"A good day to you kind sir or madam"; "What's up my bitch?"; "Ein das Nien Schtaken blocken!"
hey ho, gizziza my diznoofus.
by Inebriated Penguin October 18, 2003
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Synonymous to three-way.
Link, Zelda and Ganondorf had a mad triforce at the party last night.
by Inebriated Penguin October 18, 2003
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A German game where the player must arrange random objects on a dresser at 90 degree angles. Failure to do so results in death by severe beatings.
Es das NEIN Stacken Blochen!! *SMACK* *Beatdown*
by Inebriated Penguin October 18, 2003
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