16 definitions by Indigo

An anime based loosely on the Manga of the same name that contains 51 episodes. The story revolves around the Elric brothers who after comiting the ultimate taboo of human transmutation, set off on a journey to take back what was lost.

The anime and Manga diverge after the first arc and popular opinon states that the manga is easier to understand. The anime was developed by Bones, the same studio to work on cowboy bebop and wolf's rain.

There is also a video game out on the playstation two which has recieved mixed reviews. Popular with those who already fans of the anime or manga, gamers find the gameplay too simple for such a complex idea as alchemy.

The opening theme song, ready, steady, go is by the popluar j-rock band l'arc en ciel that came to the US for a live concert at Otakon, paired with the early showing of the first two episodes of the anime.

For those of you using this to slander FMA or Inuyasha I really wonder what kind of lives you have. This is supposed to be semi informative. Also which is better is a matter of opinion. Both are very popular series. Rather than attack another series it is better to watch a variety of anime and read a variety of manga so that you can be exposed to different types since Inu yasha does end, as does FMA and you'll eventually want to find another series to obsess over. I happy anime is growing in popularity since it ean that more animes are being brought over, such as inu yasha and FMA. Why not instead of attacking eachother with poor grammer and worse spelling go out and get a copy of last exile, serial experiments lain, x/1999, hellsing, read or die, or a studio ghibli movie?
"Full Metal Alchemist vs. Inu Yasha is a stupid argument."
by Indigo March 21, 2005
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Immegrated American of a non-white race.
Says Prof. Bhagwati(an Indian American): I feel loyal to both the countries. One is the country of my origin and the other my destination. That is true of most people today. I think people are quite happy to be hyphenated Americans.
by Indigo February 24, 2005
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an alternate way of phrasing the beginning of a Universal Resource Locator aka URL, web address beginning with "www." Instead of "doubleyou, doubleyou, doubleyou", tri-dub abbreviates the same thing.
The name of this website is h t t p, colon, forward slash forward slash, tri-dub, urban dictionary dot com.
by Indigo April 27, 2004
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the condition on the internet resulting from netspeak and leetspeak or 1337sp34k resulting in grammar being so badly mangled that it no longer effectively resembles grammar.

The condition of horror in the heart and mind of a person raised to respect and appreciate good grammar upon encountering thusly mangled grammar.
A lot of chat rooms on AOL and IRC, especially those populated by young kids and/or teenagers, suffer from profound grammangulation.
by Indigo November 11, 2003
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An inexplicable problem or condition happening in a system.
A glitch in the code gave Bob twenty-six free months of AOL.
by Indigo November 11, 2003
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when a person makes his/her potential sex partner to graphically describe everything about the promised sexual act, and then never talk/chat back to them.
Likely used for self stimulation in chat rooms.
I am not into head-games
by Indigo March 6, 2005
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