1 definition by Iamjohn

The prettiest, most beautiful and probably the funniest person you will ever meet. If you meet a Gunhild, do not let her go, for you will regret it for the rest of your life. A Gunhild makes for the best friend and girlfriend, if she let's you, and will always be there for you even when you do not need it.

A Gunhild will always bring a fun time, and will never show that she is down, but if she is down you will support her. If you do not do that, you will regret it for the rest of your life, because she is that awesome of a person, and you will know just that. She is in fact so awesome that Morgan Freeman once tried to narrate her life using Morgan Freeman's voice, but it could not do justice to the sexyness of Gunhild. When Gunhild smiles, the heavens clear and kittens rain from the sky, always landing on their feet, bringing joy to everyone around. When describing how awesome and smart a Gunhild is, a year would not suffice, and people have been known to be institutionalized from their ramblings trying to do just this.
Example 1
Person 1: How did the coffee date go yesterday?
Person 2: It didn't go to well. She was just to beautifullto get my words out right.
Person 1: Ah, she is a Gunhild.

Example 2
Bartender: Why so glum, mate?
Mate: I didn't support my friend, and now she is gone forever.
Bartender: Well, you got to support a Gunhild when she needs it.
by Iamjohn December 19, 2017
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