86 definitions by Iam not Elmer Fudd

People called this, are always small minded clowns.
The kids are attacking Kerris the clown. He brought in his four legged dog, and left the two legged one outside.
by Iam not Elmer Fudd January 1, 2020
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Harry hard-on is a gorilla. He lives at the zoo.
Harry hard-on doesn't like to be kidnapped, and placed in the radio station as a joke. To him and DJ, it's a grave insult.
by Iam not Elmer Fudd February 7, 2020
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Joe exotic is a Pirate burglar, and has drunk too much beer from his still. Even Joe dirt from Adam Sandler shows has more class.
by Iam not Elmer Fudd February 2, 2020
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Someone who likes to hunt ghosts.
I just saw a bunch of fat ghost hunters on tv, stalking that delicious ghost pork chop! While searching for the haunted alcohol.
by Iam not Elmer Fudd February 26, 2020
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Big titted woman, tiny behind, and is a paid whore. But pretends not to be.
A honeytrap is either a woman with big tits, who has the clap, or hiv and is eager to share with you. Or a man.
by Iam not Elmer Fudd December 24, 2019
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a person who actually exists.
the chicks are crazy about two dicks!
by Iam not Elmer Fudd December 24, 2019
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