1 definition by I dislike egotists

You are not a nerd unless:
- You are obsessed with computers and know their functions
- You find pleasure in reading books that are very conceptual and difficult to comprehend
- You are rejected by society
- You are antisocial, though, when it's your turn to speak, you sound like the smartest one in the room
- You wear glasses (Usually)
- If you are still in school, you are underestimated by everyone, even if your GPA exceeds a 3.5 (W)
- If you are an adult, you are making well over 6 figures, if not 7 or 8+, and you proved evryone wrong
- Your IQ exceeds your weight
- You do not give a crap about impressing girls/boys
- You are not interested in having a relationship
- You could care less about what you wear everyday
- You have a very strong photographic memory
- Your artwork is unbelievably incredible
- You outsmart/outsmarted your teachers at least 10 times throughout your school days
- You are a perfectionist, though, you are incredibly fast when finishing school work
- You don't necessarily get good grades, though, you are highly career oriented (If still in school)
- You stay away from popular trends (I.E. celebrity news; a new fashion brand; etc.)
If you meet all or most of these requirements, you deserve to be considered a nerd.
Everyone made fun of that nerd who sat next to me in physics class 20 years ago, now, he's a billionaire, and I work for his ass.
by I dislike egotists March 6, 2017
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