1 definition by I - LEFT - A - $#!7

A suffix (part of a word that is at the end of it) to imply knowledge of the root word.

If you know the ins and outs of the way of retard works, and are not lying about it, considered a retard-ologist.

"Text me if he says that the guy is a retard it is true, he's a retard-ologist."
"For real?"
"Yeah he spent 3 years in the midst of them only. I think they considered him one of their own, but he wasn't, he was learning their ways."
"They? Is it a community?"
"More like an underground culture. They don't realize they're different, and we don't recognize them as a threat, And I don't really do anything, at least as far as we know, that's why you say to you just said that's why he had to submit himself and learn them up."
"What learned he of their language, also do they masturbate ?"
"Their language is their own, we still don't understand it. They know how to masturbate yes in fact..."
by I - LEFT - A - $#!7 May 7, 2021
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