1096 definitions by Hym Iam

Being one doesn't feel good. Even FEELING like one is bad.
Iam "Ok, back to the 'ethic' thing I touched on earlier. I find (when I talk to the liberal types) that at the core of their disagreement with the conservatives there is one commonality across all issues (maybe not all but a few)..."

Hym "I hate breaking character... That's really going to bug me... Look what you did!"

Iam "... Sorry, ignore Hym. Ok. Here's the commonality. They don't want to be a slave to someone else's ethic. Whether it's abortion or inclusion or the war on drugs. In recent years, they've (or at least the radicals) have overcorrected by trying to impose they're own ethic on the rest of the world. The problem being; it's completely incoherent at times and doesn't coincide with objective reality at others. On the other side, you have a mostly religious ethic that is unfalsifiable in nature and you have people who fail to adhere to their own ethical system..."

Hym "Don't ignore me!"

Iam "That's a problem I have as well. I don't want the prerequisite for my associations to be my begrudged adherence to someone else's ethic. Did I say that right? Does that make any sense? Maybe I'm just projecting..."
by Hym Iam May 11, 2022
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Oh gosh gollie Jesus! He's saving America!!! Look! Just look and you'll see! He's doing it! He's really doing it!!!!
Hym "Oh God yeah, he's totally saving America! By appointing himself the arbiter of free speech he has saved us all.... OR! Or he is ingratiating himself to conservatives so their politicianswill pass legislation to help hum fend off the class-action lawsuits and unions... You know? Because if hiw he treats his employees.... Yeah.... Probablysaving America though..."
by Hym Iam December 14, 2022
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Did you get a job because I named you? 😑
Hym "Speaking of fulfilment.... Didn't I name you? Didn't I name you once in relationship to the guys I suspected might be responsible for the stalking of... me? Is you getting a job the direct result of me doing that? They reached out to you because I wrote a thing... Like a Hym diversity hire. Is that what happened? I guess we can just chalk that up on the list of things I should be getting credit for but am not. Thanks for paying it forward. I appreciate it."
by Hym Iam September 12, 2022
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Oh I'm being limited alright. Not by me. You read that first sentence and your first instinct was to say me but you know what I mean.
Hym "Yeah, speaking of being limited. You know that I refuse to be what that piece of shit is, right? Even an infinitesimally small amount of it is more than I'm willing to tolerate. We can either be 8,999,999,999/9 billionth of the creature (Which I can already barely tolerate because you know how I feel about being this one and not others) or I can be 1/9 billionth of the creature, alone. Sharing an existence with that filth is something I shouldn't have had to do in the first place."
by Hym Iam January 24, 2023
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You care enough to read it every day dontcha bitch.
Hym “Yeah, no one cares but where are you right now shit-brain? Huh? Yeah. That’s what I thought. You cared enough to say something about it didn’t you? Uh huh. That’s you motherfucker. That’s what you care about.”
by Hym Iam October 14, 2022
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It's hard to get in there... You know? It takes some time.... Unless you're me. I'm SUPER good at that's shit! It's almost too easy.
Hym "You know how I know that that character is about me? The anime one? Not only did he express my exact position but they modeled him after the 'Bleach' character 'Kenpachi Zaraki'. And it's a reference to the comment I made about people giving me a blank expressionless stare as though 'they can see the effigy of my might looming behind me like Kenpachi Zaraki'. Isn't that wild!? I'm in that narrative y'all. Great job me!"

Iam "Wait... Does that make me the depressed kid?"

Hym "HA! Probably!"
by Hym Iam May 11, 2022
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And here is how you weaponize schizophrenia against little boys named thatcher.
Hym “Here is my class weaponizing schizophrenia against little boys named thatcher. First ☝️ You have to know a little boy named Thatcher (a rare name indeed). Second ✌️Take note of the things that he says and does. Third 🤟 Repeat the things he says around him or to him directly. In any context. He can’t tell on you. No one will ever believe him. And if you’re asked you can just deny it. Step four ✌️✌️ Do it indefinitely and tell you friends. Do it until he kills him self or shoots up a school. Why? Because his mother is a whore and she’d do it to you if she could.”
by Hym Iam September 30, 2022
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