1 definition by Hula-Hula Kappa

Made by Capcom for the PS2 and Gamecube, this is an innovative and unique game that is a sort of FPS On-Rails.

Killer7 boasts a massive story, so great that it has in fact spawned its own comic book series. You are an assassin of the Smith Syndicate, a.k.a., the Killer7. As I said, the game is on rails, but that doesn't limit the exploration much.

The gunfights in Killer7 are those that will stay in your head for a long time, and if you can find a game that makes you more tense and causes your heart to beat faster than this one, please email me immediately.

The opponents in this game are not human, but psychotic suicide bombers called 'Heaven Smiles'. This makes the game a bit different from just running and gunning. You cannot aim and shoot, which is just what makes this game give you so much tension.

Although the graphics may send a negative response at first, once you actually see the game flow in action, you will forget that everything looks like it's made of glass in the screenshots.

Killer7 also has the best cast of characters since MGS1. Even better, they are all playable. Instead of making the game choose your weapons, you are given seven different characters that have different weapons and special abilities. The cutscenes are cool, and usually have a quote that you will remember for a long time. Some parts have anime sequences in the game, so for all the anime enthusiasts will get a good bite out of this game.

Killer7 is, without a doubt, the coolest game I've ever played. This is not stating that the game is the best ever made, but it's less of a game and more of an experience. If you are edgy about the graphics, or haven't tried an on-rails FPS before, then maybe rent it first. But if you want something different, then buy this right now.
"Killer7 is the coolest game in the world, bar none."

Dan Smith: I went to see the devil; now it's your turn.

Mask De Smith is a God. End of story.
by Hula-Hula Kappa May 6, 2006
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