1 definition by Homsar Runner

1. America's favourite blue midget Homestar.
2. Captain of the Gravy Train.
3. Raised by a cup of coffee.
4. Is a song from the sixties.
5. Is also the ghost of Christmas past.
6. This get-up is his get-down.
7. Came just in time for the murder mystery.
8. Is 1 million ladies tall.
9. The original ladies man.
10. Practises legitimate business.
11. Director of the super-short play "Butt's Twelve by Pies," featuring a superstar cast of such greats as Lighting and Set Decoration.
12. Wants to know when he can start the Jeffersons.
13. Is open for interpretation.
14. You gotta get yours, he gotta get his.
15. A trendy totebag.
16. His cheese is 50 cent.
17. His easter pants are way too tight.
18. Is a little light in the leftovers.
"Let's sing a song of Penzoil!"

"Caramel corn for president, please."

"It's time for tasteball."

"If you hate Homsar so much, why don't you kill him?"
by Homsar Runner August 13, 2007
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