1 definition by Holy Shit Im Colleen Or Am I

Guys named Samuel are amazing people. But one in particular from YouTube "sammyboyz1547" is the one and only. He is Korean. He has soft fluffy short black hair, deep complextion, short, skimpy and skinny, big white smile, cutest puppy dog eyes, and bone structure. He is dumb in school, responsible, somewhere where mature and immature meet, well mannered, polite, sweet, kind, nice, forgiving, trustable, not a big mouth, artistic, creative, imaginitive, computer nerd, video game loving, amazing baseball player, suckish basketball player, dorky/nerdy, hyper, A.D.D., energetic, smiley, laughy and giggly, positive energy, happy 24/7, athletic, 100% funny, outgoing, spontaneous, roller coaster and heights feared, adorable, raspy voiced, catholic but doubting his faith, video game dork, great storyteller, talkative, bad listener, childish, mature-ish, dirty mouthed, messed up dirty minded, friendly, big smile, target loving, french obsessed, crush on colleen and anna n. and madison but should date colleen because she wanted that since 3rd grade for her to be mrs. colleen b., candy loving, dog lover, sport obsessed, crush on jennifer lopez and megan fox and katy perry, and apple and strawberry obsessed. Thats my crush---Sam
2. Samuel Is Going To Be My Husband Even If I Have To Kidnap Him And Force Him
3. This Is A Secret
4. I HATE EVERYONE EXCEPT Theater Friends and Him and God
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