10 definitions by HobieKopek

As predicted by the sage Urstradamus, the ursine society that will be brought about after the bearpocalypse. It will be the first major bear society of its size to flourish above ground since bears gave stewardship of the Earth's surface to humans some tens of thousands of years ago.
After bears wipe the face of the earth clean of humans, they will build a massive beartopia on the ruins of man's society. All will be glorious.
by HobieKopek June 14, 2007
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A freestyle biking term used to describe an exceptionally slow wheelie maneuver. esp. without the protection of a helmet.
My boys and I posted up some pics of us doing micks and endos in a warehouse parking lot the other day, and people gave us a hard time because one guy wasn't wearing a helmet in one pic. Jeez.
by HobieKopek February 27, 2007
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The complicated act of making a bowel movement through the fly of one's backwards pants.
The Kriss Kross Dump is an Extreme Dumping Sports move with a high difficulty rating due to the low rate of clean execution.
by HobieKopek August 1, 2006
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