2 definitions by Hilary Hater

1. lip-syncher who sings crap and can permenatly ruin your hearing.
2. Dumb blonde that's a wanna-be and has no talent.
3. Whatever you do, STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!
1. Would you please turn the Avril Lavigne track up so we can drown out Hilary Duff?
2. Hilary Duff, "Like can we like make bad movies and like I'll act and then like everyone will think I'm sooo cool?"
3. EEKS!!! It's fat Hilary!!!
by Hilary Hater December 7, 2004
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A stupid fucken whore that got her ugly ass dumped by my man Joel madden the only reason he went out with her was because he felt sorry for her stupid ass I fucken hate her props to everyone else that hates her too!
out of 6 pages of dissing that fake-ass dumb blonde onle 3 ppl actually like her
by Hilary Hater December 11, 2004
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