2 definitions by Han YoloSwaggins

Relief at Missing Out

The relief felt after avoiding an undesired event, such as a party, meeting, traffic jam, or disaster. Opposite of FOMO.
The RAMO I'm getting from not being invited to that party is pure bliss.

Buses are canceled? RAMO!

Nothing gives you RAMO quite like the day after you quit your shitty job.
by Han YoloSwaggins August 7, 2019
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A specific form of classism involving prejudice or discrimination against those who are impoverished, disadvantaged, homeless, in reception of welfare or belonging to the so called working or lower class.

It often manifests from, and feeds into, the stereotype that those who are financially poor are simply lazy, irresponsible, unlawful, stupid and ultimately immoral. Therefore, those without money are deserving of whatever misfortunes fall upon them due to their own lack of self-imposed virtue. Such attitudes stem from idealistic notions of personal responsibility and a collective need for contempt-based self esteem.
"Wealth discrimination? What's that? I just like kicking the shit out of bums."

"There's no such thing as wealth discrimination. Just worthless poor people."

"Capitalism is a system of wealth discrimination based on arbitrary notions of economic merit."
by Han YoloSwaggins February 10, 2018
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