2 definitions by Hambone Littletail

An eco-Nazi is a subspecies (no doubt the fewest in number) of Doomer who understands that the one, the ONLY, way to "save the planet" is "the final solution" for humans to go extinct. There are two ways to do this: increase the death rate or decrease the birth rate to zero. The eco-Nazi is (or should be) a proponent of the second choice.
Wow, that dude is a real eco-Nazi because he got a vasectomy before letting even one planet-nibbling bundle of joy out of the oven!
by Hambone Littletail July 25, 2022
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A Doomer is any person, of any age or gender, who has studied the handwriting on the wall about what is happening on this planet, to arrive at the obvious conclusion that global industrial civilization, humanity, and all the Earthlings we share this collapsing planet with are utterly, irrevocably fucked. A Doomer has abandoned all hope -- with all its attendant forms of hopium and apocaloptimism -- that the situation will do anything other than continue to deteriorate. A Doomer is a rare breed of human who can handle the Truth that there is nothing that anybody, on any level, from individuals to the United Nations, will ever be able to do a damn thing to change the dystopic future awaiting us all. A Doomer dedicates his life to figuring out how to live the rest of what is left of his or her existence with this knowledge.
Wow, that dude really gets it what is going down on this planet. He is a true Doomer.
by Hambone Littletail July 27, 2022
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