3 definitions by Golden Seagul

A made up country with a made up language 'Firnoush' to use when strangers keep asking you where you are from
Person 1: 'Hola girrrl, where you from hunny' Person 2: *ugh not again* 'Firni
by Golden Seagul July 20, 2018
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A massive cyst on your bum that either bursts or is surgically removed leaving a crater on your bum.
Omg duuuude! My brother had the biggest bum bomb, seriously, it left a Grand Canyon sized crater down there!
by Golden Seagul July 20, 2018
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When the lie that your in the middle of telling fails
'There is absolutely, absolutely, no such thing as... MONSTERS!!!' Was such a Lie Squash
by Golden Seagul July 20, 2018
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