9 definitions by Glennicus

Noun: A form of cocaine that can be smoked. Induces euphoria and increased energy. Not at all good for the human body.

Adjective: Describes something (particularly food) that is so good that it is borderline addictive. May or may not be good for the human body (not to the same degree as literal crack.)
It is known that Tagalongs can be used to cure crack addition, because they're crack in of themselves.
by Glennicus February 17, 2020
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An antonym of rose-tinted glasses.

To see things through shit-tinted glasses means to look at things in a pessimistic manner, to see something negatively, and/or as worse than it actually was. Shit-tinted glasses is usually brought on by angst, having a particularly shit day, or even sometimes for no reason in particular.
Person 1: Fucking christ, looking back on it, my teachers back in elementary school were assholes.
Person 2 (Person 1's friend and former classmate): Not really. Have you considered the thought that you're looking back into the past through shit-tinted glasses? You were kind of a little shit back then.
by Glennicus August 28, 2020
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