9 definitions by Ghettoking215

Crud on is the name given to the poor borough in Bucks County .

It’s real name is Croydon . The area is some low class that they didn’t
Even bother given it its own zip code until 2017. The name Crudon is because

Of the low income white biker trash that populates the area.
Those dirt balls in Crudon are so poor they re_use Used tires.
by Ghettoking215 January 31, 2019
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a term for person who has did way to many illicit street drugs for way too many years and is probably still using them. Usually someone who is a i,v, drug userand that NO BODYS HOME look in there eyes.

Somebody who is such a low level garbage junkie they will take any type drug they can get there hands on
Yo bro Jigs so SHOT OUT he just took a whole bottle of No Dose tryin to get high.
by Ghettoking215 February 10, 2019
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