2 definitions by Gerth Brooks field

When your camping outdoors or you live in mizura ( state of mo),and you have to shit in five gallon bucket but only fart and the whole camphears it which leads to rolling thunder.
I was camping dude just got done fucking this cops wife and your sister ....go to take s a shit n da bucket but only ripped a thunderass fart guess its a thunderbucket n ev a body n camp \ your mom's bed room ...hearded it n lafs so hard theyz Rollin on a groun sound of thunder there s even lightnen I thunked buttfuckin twas just flesh of camura what was takin pic. Sure of momma what had all dems Dingus s iner.
by Gerth Brooks field October 8, 2017
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When guy whaps girls face with hard on during blowjob .
My girl was blowing me and I pulled out and donkey whipped her with my rock hard slightly larger than above average gurthy cock of magic.
by Gerth Brooks field October 8, 2017
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