3 definitions by Garry the plaid lover.


An expression of angst emitted when something sucks
i.e. no maths, an empty tube that should contain lube etc.
Alice: We don't have Maths today!!

Lily: Nuuuuuuuu!

Alice: exactly! uber-newbular!
by Garry the plaid lover. June 17, 2008
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She got it wrong.

Maths teachers who are actually amazing, but get questions wrong. This phrase is commonly used by people who enjoy pointing out their mistakes.

Pupil#2: Yeah! SGIW!
by Garry the plaid lover. June 13, 2008
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That's how we roll.

For awesome people who spend Maths lessons finding abbreviations which will one day 'be recognized in modern use and pop culture'.
I.E. inventors of STTTUWATQBATH.
Frank: I love Lube in a Tube.

Gerard: THWR

Me: Ohhh, slash much?
by Garry the plaid lover. June 11, 2008
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