1 definition by Ganja Joe



1. Something said when demanded task is of disproportionate difficulty or commitment to your current state of mind or willingness.


2. Something that is too inconvenient to achieve, perform, acquire or pursue.

3. something that is difficult to analyze, understand, explain, or quantify.

Originating in a Southern European village at the foot of the Alps in the early 2000's it's use was initially inted to define the distance of things, and the unwillingness one had to physically reach for them.

Soon this term turned into a way to describe anything that was outside the reach of their will power, understanding, physical reach, motivational reach et al.
Person1: "Could you go on wikipedia and check what year TMNT came out?"

Person2(on computer): "too far."

Person1: "Do you ever think about how big the universe really is, and all the different possible human planets inhabiting all the galaxies? People like you and I thinking the exact same thing, and wondering if WE exist..."

Person2: "Too far."

Person1: "Pass me the chips and hummus"

Person2: "Too far."

Person1: "I need to get up real early tomorrow for a job interview, could you keep the music down tonight?"

Person2: "Too far"
by Ganja Joe March 31, 2011
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