470 definitions by Full Monteirism

Xenospeciesism is a form of speciesism where xeno races should be discriminated and persecuted, the term is also used to refer to xenos being persecuted by humans and humans being persecuted by xenos, since xenospeciesism is related to all xeno races, including humans. Xenospeciesism is basically a form of speciesism that believes that xenos (aliens) are enemies of humans (or the opposite) and both should discriminate and persecute each other. The term often put humans as being a xeno species despite the term is mostly used to refer to humans discriminating and persecuting xeno species.
"Xenospeciesism is a form of speciesism that's really common on gaming communities and online communities as well."
by Full Monteirism September 13, 2021
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BolsoJuche is the union of bolsonarism and Juche, bolsojuche is actually considered the accurate version of actual bolsonarism. BolsoJuche seeks massive countering on leftism, diplomatic isolationism and turn Brazil into the "DPRK of Latin America" and into "Far Right-Wing DPRK", BolsoJuche also advocates evangelicalism as state religion and militianization of police and army as a way to fully control the country. BolsoJuche advocates cultural sociopathy as a form to keep population loyal to the BolsoJuche government even the government being worse than DPRK government.
BolsoJuche shows it is possible to have a far right-wing nazcap country in the same models of DPRK and still the media and capitalists be ok with it.
by Full Monteirism December 30, 2021
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Wave Function Based Technologies, shortened as WFBT, are a kind of technology that uses the wave function for work and operate. WFBT are also able to reproduce the wave function at any level mainly on macro level, and WFBT uses superquantum mechanics principles to work.
"Wave Function Based Technologies might be our technological future, but we will need to make massive research on it for turn it possible."

"Wave Function Based Technologies are the main technological concept of vibrationalism, not just of vibrationalism, but of the whole esoteric transhumanist movement."
by Full Monteirism January 2, 2021
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Accelerator extraphysics is a branch of applied extraphysics, concerned with designing, building and operating extraphysical particle accelerators. As such, it can be described as the study of motion, manipulation and observation the charged extraphysical particle beam and their interaction with accelerator structures by extraphysical electromagnetic fields. And the possibilty of find any extraphysical signals and evidences on classical particle accelerators such as seeing if it is possible to detect extraphysics in classical physics ways.
"Accelerator extraphysics in an interesting branch of extraphysics, it might be really good to find out if extraphysics can affect the physical level or not, such as find extraphysical evidences in objective ways."

"Accelerator extraphysics will be one of the first steps on the study of extraphysical mechanics and extraphysics as a whole, mainly as the experimentation of extraphysics in an objective way."
by Full Monteirism March 3, 2021
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Geodeistology is the study of the worlds of gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms in general. Geodeistology usually works together with geoextraphysics and extraphysical geography, and geodeistology is considered as an important field on deistology and on extraphysics for the search for other dimensions and for extraphysical worlds.
"Geodeistology might play an important role on searching for multiverses and even multidimesions as well, and even for understand the social relations of gods and extraphysical life forms in general, where it would be called as sociodeistology, that's the study of the social relations of gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms among themselves."
by Full Monteirism March 19, 2021
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Reverse Rationalism is a stance which is practically incomprehensible that seeks to be the opposite of what classical rationalism is about, it coniders atheism, anti-theism, laicism, state atheism, scientism, materialism, physicalism, positivism/empirism and naturalism as being irrational while it considers theism, anti-atheism, anti-anti-theism, discidism, state spiritualism, state religion, theocracy, anti-scientism / extrascientism, anti-materialism / extramaterialism, extraphysicalism, post-positivism / post-empirism, spiritualism, spirituality, religion, esoterism, occultism and supernaturalism as being rational, it basically believes that everything considered as irrational by reverse rationalism should be countered while everything considered as rational by reverse rationalism should be promoted and even encouraged.
"Reverse Rationalism makes sense, somehow, if we consider what people like the ones on RationalWiki and on Quora actually do, and how several spiritual, esoteric and occultist groups have a lot of good explanations about reality and existence as well."
by Full Monteirism April 22, 2021
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URSAL, Portuguese Abbreviation for Union of the Socialist Republics of Latin America (USRLA) is the name of a fictional country that is the Latin American version of USSR. URSAL got popular in Brazil during 2018 elections and nowadays it's popular worldwide and it's often used by Latin American communists and socialists as a symbol of struggle against capitalism, neoliberalism and Northern/Western imperialism, and URSAL is also used a symbol of Latin American integrationism and Latin American nationalism, and even having some variants that are directly related to URSAL, such as URSAL Nationalism.
"We serve URSAL and we will fight for URSAL and for the world revolution until the end."
by Full Monteirism June 3, 2021
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