1 definition by Fuck the proddys

Term used by Irish to describe the filthy Brits. Coming from the word Prodestant which is their religion. These men tried to oppress the Irish for centuries and luckily the Catholic Irish got their country back. There is still lots of tension and resent towards the proddys as they stole our culture,language and caused so much death, like the famine and all the bloody sundays
Guy 1: "oi seán lad, did you see the new lad who moved in?"
Guy 2 " he's a filthy proddy mate, we need to teach him a lesson for what his people did"
Guy 1 "isn't that discrimination?"
Guy 2 "no, they still find ways to hurt us, till we have our 6 counties the fights still on"
Guy 1 " I'll turn on the black and tans and we will scrap him"
by Fuck the proddys March 25, 2021
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