4 definitions by Fuck Scotty from marketing

When your wife has to explain basic morals and empathy to her husband that runs a country and 100% of the time the husband is the kind of man that makes up his own nickname and shits himself at a Engadine McDonald's
Stop Jensplaining it to me, I told you I didn't rape her I just held her down for the young staffer to rape, we have to leave in 5 minutes so will talk about it when we get back from hillsong, we will have more time for me to comprehend how to do empathy, just write what I should say Jen
by Fuck Scotty from marketing February 16, 2021
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A person that believe that black people are lazy and don't work, they can be of any race
Steven: "Hey jamal watch that old homeless man over there when your fixing that window"

Jamal: "whys that boss?"

Steven: "he's a pea picker"
Jamal: "fuck another one"
by Fuck Scotty from marketing December 6, 2020
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It's a acronym for Scotty cuntface Ostrichfucker maccasshitter overlord or

prime minister Scott Morrison
Jen - "Scotty cuntface Ostrichfucker maccasshitter overlord is a piece of shit, he keeps holding staffers down on lounges for them to be raped"

Pastor Brian Houston- "Thats your husband you can't call him that"
Jen- "I'll just call him SCOMO then pastor"
Pastor Brian Houston-"that's better now suck this"
by Fuck Scotty from marketing February 16, 2021
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