1 definition by Fant Nagner (TF)

The Enemy of Humanity with a weakness for money and other things they need to live, they hate their clients, white people, people in the German armed services, and they love people that can make them a quick buck or two.

Lawyers are indeed the Enemy of Humanity Destroy them with Pennies!! do do so throw the pennie at them and when the bend over to pick it up run over and steal it from them they turn to ash!
I went to meeet my lawyer one day I had a pennie in my pocket for protection, I walked into the monsters lair (offfice) and said " Hey think fast!" I threw the pennie at him and when he went to grab it I nicked it from him and watched as he turned to dust with a loud yell he said " Give me the pennie or so help me I willl sue you for 500 of them BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Isweat dropped at his decleariton then walked to his dest and started to pisss on the ashes.
by Fant Nagner (TF) September 17, 2009
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