2 definitions by Expired milk

Joe: Hey man you going to CCA night ?

Jim: What’s a CCA?

Joe: bro it’s one the best nights, it means Chips Chelas Avengers. We just eat chips, watch any avengers movie and drink beer.

Jim: Oh man I’m so down !
by Expired milk September 19, 2021
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Chips. Chelas. Avengers.
When a group of people get together to enjoy an Avengers movie with chips and beer.

Joe: Hey man you going to the CCA tonight ?
Dave: What’s a cca ?

Joe: it’s a night where all of us are gonna hangout watch an avengers movie, eat chips and drink chelas (beer) It’s totally going to be a Blast man !

Dave: Oh man ! That sounds like fun, I’m super excited. See you there !
by Expired milk September 22, 2021
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