3 definitions by Expert Scientist, from the USC

Astra Rummell is blonde bitch who can do anything and pulls the most guys. She has the best bod and is the most talented person there is. Her beauty shines in and out and has the sassiness of a drag queen.
Astra Rummell means pure beauty and talent
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Briana-Mae McDonald is Gorgeous, fantastic and all the guys secretly like her. (mainly dark skinned guys), she always goes for what she believes in and is so smart and rocks any outfit she picks out. She has the biggest self confidence out of all her friends. She is sweet and has the style and is super! She secretly crushes on someone which turns out to be her husband. Her crush ends up liking her and if not, its his/her loss, Briana-Mae McDonald is a pretty woman and any basic person would kill to have a personality like Briana-Mare McDonalds. She is gorgeous and will marry a funny, good-looking guy who will make her feel good about herself. She secretly doubts herself and persists through her pain. Her friends and her family are the only ones who can see her pure beauty!
Briana-Mae McDonald is the model of loyalty
Briana-Mae McDonald is sassy then ever!
by Expert Scientist, from the USC November 24, 2021
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Lucia Forden is the baddest blondie ever! She has the face of a diamond and a soul like gold. She is the best girlfriend anyone can have. No one looks out for ANYONE like Lucia Forden does. She's pretty, gorgeous, sassy and a bit.....coocoo. Everyone likes her and wants to always hang around her.
Lucia Forden is a sassy Queen who rocks everything!
by Expert Scientist, from the USC November 24, 2021
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